防水布,粗帆布 canvas cloth,canvas sheet,tarpaulin
包装件packing case
物件号码number of a packing
物件顺序号码ordinal number of a package
件数number of cases
物件总数total number of cases
包装用的细绳packing cord
包装用的粗麻布packing cloth,packing canvas
重心centre of gravity
用垂直红线标明重心mark the centre of gravity with a red vertical line
用过的箱子second-hand case
包装箱packing case
箱子的数量number of cases,number of boxes
箱子的大小size of a case
箱子的一面side of a case
箱子的正面face plane side of a case
防水信封waterproof envelope
聚乙烯薄膜polyethylene film
工程项目的识别标志indentification mark of object
识别标志distinction mark 热带货物标志tropical loadline
(产品)出厂牌子,出厂商标trade-mark,trademark 涂刷标志mark
刷红色垂直线作标志mark with a red vertical line 运输标志,涂刷运输标志marking
附加标志additional marking 专用(警告)标志,特殊标志special marking
清晰的标志(唛头)clear marking
发货人标志consignor`s marking 收货人标志consignee`s marking
刷唛规定instructions concerning marking 涂刷相应的标志with appropriate marking
涂刷唛头mark,grade 在货运单上指出标志specify marking in a waybill
在说明书上指出标志point out marking in a specification 运输标志marking
(此端)向上up 毛重,总重gross weight
净重,实重net weight 分数fraction
分数形式in the form of a fraction 分母denominator
分子numerator 保持干燥,切勿受潮keep dry
请勿倒置do not turn over
请勿翻转do not turn over
此断底部bottom 小心轻放handle with care 玻璃glass
编号,号码numeration 买方编号numeration of the buyer,numeration of the purchaser
卖方编号numberation of the seller 纸paper 包装纸packing paper
颜料,油漆,涂料paint 防水油漆water-repellent paint
不褪色的涂料,耐洗涂料indelible paint 图案板patter,template,templet,stencil
按图安板by pattern,by stencil 包装,包装材料packing,package
防水包装(材料)water proof packing 硬纸盒包装card board package
海运包装seaworthy packing
合适的包装suitable packing 未损坏的包装sound packing,undamaged packing
普通包装customary packing 破损的包装damaged packing
适应热带气候的包装tropical packing 散装without packing,unpacked
包装重量,皮重tare 包装种类kind of packing
纸包装paper packing 外部包装packing exterior
内部包装packing interior 塑料包装plastic packing
包装损坏damage to packing 有关包装的规定instructions concerning packing
包装费用packing charges 包装性能properties of packing
内在包装性能latent properties of packing 遵守包装要求observance of instructions concerning packing
包装情况condition of packing 包装有缺陷defective condition of packing
包装费cost of packing
出口商品(货物)的包装packing for export goods 包装性质nature of packing
不含包装费的价格packing not included 包括包装费的价格packing inclusive
附加包装费extra packing 保障商品包装provide the packing of goods
装运有包装的(散货)货物ship goods in packing (without packing)
装箱单,打包单,包装单packing list,packing sheet,packing note,packing ship
袋sack 已磨损的口袋worn-out sack 明细单specification(-s)
扎捆明细单bale specifications 装箱明细单case specifications 标签,标牌tag(US),label,tally
纸标签paper tag 金属标牌metal tag 特殊标签,专用标签special tag
标签上的运输标志marking on a tag 往行李上贴标签put labels on one`s luggage
包装材料,包皮tare 多次使用的包皮reusable tare 皮重tare
实际皮重actual tare 预计皮重estimated tare,computered tare
平均皮重average tare
发货单皮重invoice tare 海关规定皮重customs tare 法定皮重legal tare
确定皮重tare 包皮缺陷defects in tare 皮重总量tare
规定皮重量customary tare 包皮价值,外包装费cost of tare
不能继续使用的包皮throwaway tare
绳子,绳索.twine,string,pack thread 包装用的绳子,运单packing string 运单waybill
货运单cargo waybill 货运单号码number of a cargo waybill