marker color in on the back of the tracing paper.
Keep fill in color form the back of the tracing paper.
(继续在描图纸的背面上 涂上其它的颜色)
Black and white prismacolor pencils give dark cores and high light on objects.
(用黑色和白色的色铅笔 在物体上画出光影和阴影)
add call-out to explain the design intension.. Sign and then finish.
(加上注解 解释设计的意图 签名 然后就完成)
追加(after scenes): 如何上麦克笔在描图纸上
P1_ marker color in on the back of the tracing paper.
P2_ keep using makers on the back.
P3_ put a mesh underneath the page for speaker texture.
(把网眼垫在描图纸的背后 用来画出喇叭布的质感)
P4_ hold pencil side ways to apply dark cores.
(斜斜的抓笔 来画出阴影)
P5_ add shadows on objects.
P6_ white pencil to give high light and part lines.
(用白色的色铅笔 加上光影和分模线)
P7_ Material and tools. always remember to keep the pencil sharp.
(材料和工具 永远记得削尖铅笔)