喜多俊之(Kita Toshiyuki)先生是一位在环境、空间、工业设计领域的国际舞台上活跃的工业设计师。他的作品被纽约MoMA现代美术馆,以及世界主要博物馆选定为永久收藏品,受到很高的评价。喜多先生一直致力于将濒临失传的传统技术和材料运用于现代设计,和资源的再利用。
1942 Born inOsaka, Japan. Product Designer.
1969 Began to work in Milan and Japan.
1985 Awarded MAINICHI Design Prize.
1987 Took part in the celebrations if the Centre George Pompidou's 10th anniversary.
1990 Awarded Delta de oro in Spain.
1993 Became the president of a jury of the 6h International Design Competition.
1995 Became the president of a Good Design Award.